About our Church
We are dedicated to be and make followers of Jesus Christ in authentic community for the sake of the world. (Mathew 28)
What do we value as a

Knowing God
Spiritual growth is a life long process and requires us to be in a place of openness and discovery.
So we strive to be continually connected to the one who can transform our innermost character,
Jesus Christ.

Loving each other
It's the heartbeat of our Church.
Jesus stressed the need to love God and love our neighbour.
We love God by accepting his free gift of Grace and we love others in community.
We feel that the most effective life development isn’t done in isolation but by having people stretch and challenge you.

blessing the world
God asks us to be faithful, serving others through our whole lives.
This means committing to generously give from our time, talents, and treasure to bless others and glorify God.
Our life purpose is to pass this gift of grace on to others, to give it away. And we believe every believer is called to help spread this good news.

What we believe
The Trinity
We believe one God is revealed in the scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit - the Trinity. Within the one "essence" of the Godhead there are three persons who are co-equally and co-eternally God.
God The Father
We believe that the Father is begotten of none. He is the eternal Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Author of salvation, the Father of all who are begotten into newness of life through faith in Christ.
Jesus Christ
We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; in His eternal generation from the Father; in His incarnation by which He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, thus uniting the divine and human natures in their completeness into the one unique person of Jesus Christ; in His sinless life and miraculous works; in His vicarious death to make atonement for the sins of the world; in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father; in His sovereign power and lordship; in His present mediatorial ministry as the believer's Advocate; in His future coming in power and glory.
The Holy Spirit
The Person, the work, and the power of the Holy Spirit is fundamental to who we are as a people. We unabashedly own the truth that the Spirit can transform us, possess us, equip us, and empower us. It is the work of the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us, makes us holy, sets us apart for sacred service, and seals us for eternity’s sake. It is the Spirit that convicts us of sin and enables us to overcome sin. It is the Holy Spirit that can breathe supernatural gifts into us, for Jesus’ sake. He is the Comforter promised by Jesus and the witness of our redemption (Gal 5:22–23).
We believe since all people are sinners and guilty before God and are dead in trespasses and sin and therefore are unable to save themselves, God has out of His infinite love given His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to become mankind's Saviour. Everyone must decide individually whether to receive Christ as their Saviour. Once received we are a new creature in which a changed life and conduct follows a result of our love for Him.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and is the sole guide and authority for faith (John 8:58, 8:12-30). We also believe that the Bible, given by God's Spirit, is complete in itself and needs no additions. In fact, additions to the Bible are forbidden.
Affiliation and History
We are affiliated with the Church of God Canada but are a multi-denominational congregation. Here you have the opportunity to delight in God, to grow in a lifestyle of worship, and serve others with the sacrificial love that our Saviour showed us.
The Church of God movement now involves nearly 700,000 active adherents in 6,600 congregations in 89 countries of the world (in the U.S. and Canada we about 2,400 congregations and over 230,000 persons who attend worship services at these congregations). Congregations associate voluntarily within those various countries and those indigenous churches maintain fraternal ties. There is no hierarchy or head office, per se. There are, however, some organizations established for co-operative work in publishing, education, missions etc.
Church of God Ministries Inc. (Anderson, IN) coordinates the work of the Church of God in the U.S. and collaborates with appropriate ministry bodies within Canada. Other countries such as Kenya, Argentina, and Japan have formed similar organizational structures to facilitate their joint ministry efforts. Again, these offices are organized to serve the congregations and facilitate the national and world involvement of local groups. We know that many tasks can be done only as we unite in prayer, planning, and sacrificial giving. Church of God (Anderson, IN) is sometimes used to distinguish our body from others with a similar title, but no connection.
Bragg Creek Community Church of God strives to be a leaven of God's Presence in the community.
The first service of the Bragg Creek Community Church was held on Easter Sunday, 1983. Five Pastors have served from 1984 to date.
The current pastor is David Zimmerman, who was commissioned to serve the Bragg Creek area in the summer of 2001.
Our Pastor
Dave Zimmerman
Senior Pastor
“The Reverend Dave-Zee”, has had the privilege of serving the Bragg Creek Church Family since 2000. For him a significant shaping force of his ministry is “everything Jesus and others.” Focusing on those relationships, he is motivated by and leads relationaly.
He loves his family, church and community and can be found enjoying everything from the beautiful trails in his neighbourhood to sitting out on the deck connecting with others. Outside of his family (wife and 4 kids), his free time is spent creating art, biking, fishing, hiking and sleeping. His favorite foods are all thing fermented, brewed, or rotting, both solid and liquid... However, he is easily bribed by most all food and drink.
Story is very important to him and he would love to spend time hearing yours, please consider reaching out and connecting over a delicious beverage.

Church Council
Council Chair
Jessica Bolton
Vice Chair
Devon Duffield
Carol Mertens
Liane Elkanah
Darren Kroeker
Mary Rawlings
Diane Scott
Melissa Teeuwsen
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member